Video: Jammin'

Again, much apologies for the lack of party pics, audio, and videos. And updating my blogs. I guess having school end didn't really change too much here! So to help tide you over, I have a video from a "jam" between Mr. Lanning and Mr. Hoffman. The results are... remarkable...! We don't want to be rude to the musicians - after all, we chose to put up a video of them! - but notice just how "in to it" the crowd is. And notice just how "in to it" Mr. Lanning (the one in sunglasses) is. Heh.

Still with me? Whew! What a trip. I have another video to share with you right now. Pete and John Sikma are members of the band Bob 'n Us, and performed live at the Sikma's Go-Away party. Pete, if you didn't know, is now in California for the summer. (His life is so rough.) The Epsilon Institute was there, swarming the music scene to capture as much media as we felt like. In this video, Bob 'n Us perform for an enthusiastic crowd.

And that's all the video I have for now. Stay tuned for more updatesl


  1. heck no that's good stuff, for a first show. in my defense that jam with jon was pretty much the first time i've ever played a guitar, more of a sound-check thing. we weren't really playing for the crowd. anyways, way to not put any spin on the story. :)

  2. well maybe if you had TURNED DOWN THE BASS i wouldn't have been singing off tune... man that was bad, but it really excites me for when we'll get back together. i think i need like a personal monitor so i can hear what pitch i'm on--lol

    btw, who was playing drums for that impromt jam james and jon were doing?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. that was your dad... he's wicked awesome on the drums. you know i actually enjoy listening to the rain song. theres the part where i goof up a fill and the part where you guys go off key, but aside from that, the remarkably poor acoustics and bad sound quality of the video, it does sound pretty good. and you can hear in the first video that my guitar is way out of tune. just wait chuck. soon we'll be doing world tours and you can come along as a journalist.
