A Day At Heritage Church

On May 27, 2006, friends and family gathered at the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, MI, to witness the marriage between Janna Jurries and Steve Birn. It was a hot and humid beautiful day for a wedding as we watched Steve and Janna begin a new chapter in their lives as a married couple. Now, admittingly, I did not take that pictures as you might normally think I would have. And yet, I still have some great ones to force upon share with you all. And once again, congratulations to the happy couple. Who, on the date this piece was published, is still honeymooning in Italy. Luck bums.

This is the sanctuary of the church where they did wed.

This is the happy bride, Janna, sans glasses. Which confused alot of
people at work when they saw these pictures.

Here's the happy couple, not too long after the ceremony ended.

Mr. & Mrs. Birn, greeting their guest, in style.

Two of the bridesmaids, Grace and Maggie, pose for the camera.

Lydia and Maggie enjoy a few laughs.
(As opposed to hating a few laughs?)

Look! Some of the guest even posed for the camera!

And, of course, everyone wants their picture taken with the bride!

And that about does it for the pictures from the Institute Archives. Congratulations once again to Steve and Janna, both on the wedding and on getting to spend two weeks in Italy. Lucy duckies.

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