Internet Improv

Folks, it's time for us to do something a little different. Ever since we've started, we've wrote about what we wanted to write about, when we wanted to write, and only about topics that we felt strongly about. What we're going to do now is shake that foundation up a little bit through our new feature, Epsilon's Internet Improv. (Do you like that graphic? It's "hip" because it's uneven and uncertian!) We haven't exactly figured out the format for this new feature, or how often we'll do it. (That all depends on participation!)

For the inagural edition, what I'm going to ask for the name of something that you buy at a grocery store, and if I'm for it or against it. You can give your suggestions by leaving a comment (you can even do it anonymously, if you so desire!), or you can use the Institute Anonymous Drop Box. (You know, the thing you use to tell me that my site stinks, that I dress weird, that my socks don't match, all without me knowing who sent it!)

I'll leave this open for a while (Probably for about a week from the date of publication), then I'll make a list of all the suggestions and write a short rant about what I like and don't like at the grocery store.

And if there are enough suggestions, and your own creative juices get flowing, drop me a line! I'd love to have guest authors for Internet Improv. It's not just blogging... It's about shaking things up a little, being a little silly, and having (hopefully) lots of fun!