The Dawn of a New Graphics Package

Welcome to the Epsilon Institute. Now, I know this site signed on to the internet back in December of 2005, but we feel like this is the perfect time for us to become re-acquainted with each other. When Epsilon launched, it was originally envisioned as a "easter egg" of a website, giving a behind-the-scenes look at the Delta Institute Newsblog. In addition, I was planning on shifting all the more light-hearted stories over here, allowing the Newsblog to become more "serious." I was never planning on doing too much with Epsilon. It was here soley for my own amusement.

However, I realized that it didn't quite work out that way.

I posted a behind-the-scenes look maybe twice in the entirety of this blogs existence. This site became a place for me to air out my thoughts, to post photo shoots, video clips, and to point out other assorted oddities from across this vast world we live in. If that's what the blog has become, I figured, then I shouldn't try to change it. I should embrace it.

As a result, when I set out a couple weeks ago to change the look of the Epsilon Institute, I knew I had to create a look that would embrace this new thesis. It had to be light-hearted and welcoming, but if a serious post was warranted, it would still look appropriate on the site. In addition, I knew that Epsilon still needed to be recognizable as a Institute, but it had to be it's own site, not just Delta with different colors.

It took me about a week to find the right look. Which for me, personally, was truly unique, because I'm the type who can normally find the right look for one of my graphics within a matter of seconds. After I made the image for the header, it was easier to create. But not easy. For every single dotted line, I modified everything with the full weight of my newfound thesis statement. EVERYTHING had to reflect my new mission.

And you know what? I think it does.

One thing you may have noticed is the addition of "Vivacious Videos." I'll be using this spot to showcase not only viral videos, but my own personal movies as well. I'll be updating the video box about once a week. On the other hand, you may have noticed some links on the sidebar are now missing. We've done away with all the news links on Epsilon; we're not a news site. It just didn't make sense. As inspiration strikes, we'll be adding new categories over time, like the new "Odds n' Ends" section. It's not much right now, but it's a start.

We hope you enjoy the new changes made around here. With only a couple pet projects left to do this summer, I hope to get back to posting more regularly, both on Delta and Epsilon. After all, you can have the spiffiest looking site in the history of mankind, but without attractive, engaging post, it's not much of a website at all.

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