A new lens to look through

I recently became the proud owner of the Canon S3 IS, a 6-megapixel digital camera with a 12x zoom lens. And the LCD screen can swivel around, like a camcorder! (That's the neatest part about the camera, actually.) It takes great photos, though my Kodak goes a bit better job on reducing the noise. So while the pictures are noticeably better, there's a bit more noise. (Trade-offs, I know.) One neat feature about this camera is that it has a stitch-assist mode to help you make panoramic photographs on your computer. And thankfully, the stitching program that came with the camera is a lot easier to use than the program on Photoshop. It's a lot easier and more direct, for me at any rate.

The photo pictured above is just two photo's put together, side-by-side. If you enlarge it, you'll see very few "seams". And even at that, if I just ran it through Photoshop, I could probably get ride of those "seams". So not only do I have a very fun new toy to play with, I now can easily do larger photographs, like the one pictured above.

These pictures that I have below used more than one image. In the case of the picture of the hill, located in Grand Haven, I think it used about five or six images to create that panoramic view. Of a hill. In Grand Haven. Hey, the important thing is that I can do this now, right?

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