Are "Lost" spoilers found in the Bible?

I love reading theories about Lost. Some are downright stupid, others are very, very imaginative. Like, the theory that the show is all playing out from Vincent's imagination. Vincent, of course, being the island dog who becomes a close pet to someone a few episodes before the character is written off the show. And despite all the Lost executives denying this is the case, the most popular theory is that the island is some form of purgatory. After all, characters like Jack and Kate have had to wrestle with their demons and come out stronger, and live. Mr. Eko, who wrestled with his demons but in the end remained unapologetic for his sins, was killed by the island. Those allusions are pretty hard to ignore!

But this is perhaps the most clever theory I've read, to date. It's less about the island as a whole, but more about certain characters. Characters who mirror Biblical characters. Here's the really juicy part:
According to the Bible, most of Jacob's sons weren't exactly the nicest kids. After all, they got so jealous of their brother Joseph (think: Desmond), they threw him into a pit (think: The Hatch), told Dad he had been killed, and sold him into slavery. (Theory: Mr. Widmore, hatching schemes and telling lies to keep Des and Pen apart.) By the way, Joseph turned out just fine, as he became tight with the ruler of Egypt thanks to his... supernatural ability to interpret the future from weird dreams. (Again, I say: DESMOND!) By the way, that oversized tie dye T-shirt that Hurley gave Desmond in the third episode? ''Technicolor Dream Coat,'' don't you think? (Another Joseph reference for ya, in case you didn't go to Sunday school like I did.)

But besides Joseph, there was another Son of Jacob who was a pretty good egg. In fact, he was Joseph's favorite brother. His name?


Jacob, in case you don't pay attention to every. single. word. in this show like you should be doing, was referenced by Pickett in a recent episode. "He wasn't even on Jacob's list!" he said. And, Lost execs have confirmed that the actor did not misspeak, and that there is a character named Jacob, who was named so for a reason. (Just like they named characters Locke, Rousseau and [Desmond] Hume for a reason.)

And the theory that Paulo could be an Other makes me happy, because that would give me one single reason to like his character. He's pretty much like a human Jar-Jar Binks: he's useless, a screen hog and could be edited out of the show with zero impact on the story. Same goes with Nicki, I guess, but at least that actress can act every now and then. Gggrr!

However, we probably won't get more clues about Jacob and Paulo for a while when the show returns in February; there's that whole coup thing happening on the small island. And if Jack weren't staging a coup, Juliet would be. And if they weren't, Juliet and Benry would be standing around for a full hour giving each other death stares until they burn a hole into the other's skull. (Juliet would win, BTW. Because here eyes are that powerful.)

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