A Stereotypical "School's Out!" Post

Yes, everybody does it. Yes, no one cares too much. And yet, every student does this sort of post to get it out of their system. And, I want to do a post commemorating the end of a semester and the acquisition of some more college credits to my name. Once I collect enough, I can add another sentence or two to my resume! (It's like a really cruddy, expensive game!) Anyways, here are my thoughts on the classes I took this semester:

English 102 (English Composition 2) - So this particular section didn't really involve much composition. Instead, it was all literary analysis. Which would be fine, if I signed up for Literary Analysis. And my teacher - who, personally, is sooo nice - was a really tough teacher. As in, most of the dozen people left on final exam night were hoping to get a passing grade in the class. I got one, barely, after having to read Death of a Salesman and Othello, neither of which is really conducive to staying awake. Arthur Miller? Shakespeare? Thank you for making my life that much more boring.

Math 107 (Intermediate Algebra) - My last math class for a long time! Hooray!! For those who have ever been in GRCC's campus, there's this one room on the math floor that has a bunch of round tables and is located at the intersection of a few hallways, so with the windows by the doors, EVERYONE can see inside the room. EVERYONE. And I always felt bad for the people who had to take a class in that room, only to find out this semester that my section was meeting in that exact same room! The class itself wasn't too bad, and I managed to pull a B- out of that class, which is great for me, because numbers are NOT my friend. (That gene decided to skip me, apparently.) And the B- was good too because I got a 56% on my final in that class. Whoops!

Psychology 201 (General Psychology) - This was a really, really fun class. And I was so surprised to find out that so many "common sense" theories and ideas that I held turned out to be psychological theories and ideas! I did not enjoy the chapter on the biology of the brain. The axon, medulla, acetamylophine, dopamine, etc... Yeah, I don't think I'll become a doctor at all. I had a great teacher and fun classmates, lots of whom I got to know pretty well while waiting in the hallway for a half hour, waiting for our classroom to be unlocked. I will miss the hallway convo's...

Psychology 233 (Child Psychology) - This was, by far, the most fun class I had this semester. Now, being #4 of 8 kids, I may have had a slight advantage when it came to some of the material, but basically, most of the stuff was just labels for temperaments and biology of kids growing up, from conception to adolescence. We got to watch a not-at-all-uncomfortable video on childbirth in that class. And what they didn't show on camera (which, they showed pretty much everything), they supplemented in detail with 3D models. After that video, no woman in that class wanted to have kids. At all. (Heh.) The classmates were great, the teacher was AMAZING, and best of all? She told us exactly what we needed to study for the test. EXACTLY. If you didn't know anything on the test, it was because you didn't study and prepare for it. It was such a great class, and an easy A for me.

And, that's it. Another 13 credits behind me, and a new semester to look forward to in a few weeks. Coming up, I'll have:
  • Biology 101 (lecture AND lab)
  • Fundamentals of Public Speaking
  • Spanish 101
  • First Aid
And I'm sure I'll let you know how those went in May. ^_^
(That's not to say I won't update this site again until May. I will. But, I will let you know how those particular classes went, when I finished them, which won't be until May.)

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