Sick of this stuff

I'm sick of partyers. I'm sick of drunks, of stoners, of people who aren't responsible, of people who flip out at people for no reason.
I'm sick of people having to pick up the slack for the people mentioned above, because they only think about themselves, not others.
I'm sick of people who can't think beyond themselves.
I'm sick of people who can't get a simple knock-knock joke.
I'm sick of people who think the whole world revolves around their needs (Get a clue! The world is SOOO much bigger than your ego).
I'm sick of people who think that other's will help take care of their cluelessness and stupidities.
I'm sick of people taking advantage of other people's kindness.
I'm sick of people who question the proudest moments with a "but why?" question that totally sucks the life and joy out of the moment.
I'm sick of posers, of pretenders.
I'm sick of people who think that there's only one true religious denomination and that all the rest are wrong.
I'm sick of people who won't even listen to other side's of a story, especially in a religious context.
I'm sick of people who won't just shut up and listen.
I'm sick of people who cannot (or will not) plan ahead.
I'm sick of people who yell at other's for no good reason.
I'm sick of people who don't admit their faults.
I'm sick of people who don't do what they say they'll do.
There's plenty of joy and happiness to be found in the world, it's a shame there are people who deliberately foul it up with their craziness.

So if I flip out on you someday, you're probably exhibiting one of the behaviors above, and you were just the straw that broke the camel's back. Be warned.

(And no, there's no one event that led to this post. Just a collection of thoughts and feelings throughout the years, accumulated into one single thread.)

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