FOX News Changes Schedule Around

Nothing is ever definitive in television. And nothing is more fluid than a network's schedule, and FOX News Channel is definately no exception. (Although, they do it less than CNN and definately a lot less than MSNBC.) The new changes occur mainly in the daytime. Here is the new daytime schedule, in Eastern time:

(*New or changed)

7 am - FOX & Friends w/Steve Doocey, Brian Kilmeade and Gretchen Carlson
*9 am - America's Newsroom with Bill Hemmer and Megyn Kelly
*11 am - FOX News Live w/E.D. Hill
*Noon - Jon Scott hosting (No word on if it will still be FOX Online or something else)
1 pm - The Live Desk w/Martha MacCallum
2 pm - FOX News Live w/Jane Skinner
3 pm - Studio B w/Shepard Smith
4 pm - Your World w/Neil Cavuto
5 pm - The Big Story w/ John Gibson
6 pm - Special Report w/Brit Hume
7 pm - The FOX Report w/Shepard Smith
8 pm - The O'Reilly Factor
9 pm - Hannity & Colmes
10 pm - On the Record w/Greta van Susteran
*2 am - Red Eye w/Greg Gutfeld

That new late-night show, Red Eye, is a Politically Incorrect-type of current events/discussion show. Inside Cable News has obtained a couple minute snippet from a recent rehearsal of this new show.

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