CONFIRMED: Epsilon is spam

Blogger's anti-spam robots detected that my blog had "characteristics" of being a spam-blog. Would it be the long, long boring posts? Because, that could be spam. Could it be the massive amounts of content in the sidebar? Sure. Or could it be that the bots simply saw the "hacks" that we made to the template to make this site so beautiful that they got jealous and tried to shut us down?

No matter, we're back to full-speed now. My thanks to the folks at Blogger for getting this blog un-locked. They did it for me once before for, after that was thought to be a spam blog as well. (And that I can definitely understand how the AntiSpamBots thought it could be spam.)

Now, I guess the main reason my site was flagged was because of my links(?). Whatever. But if it was just presentation alone, well, then I'd be willing to change the look of the site. But what would I change it to? I could go to a different template and start with a clean slate (tabula rosa), or, I could replace the current header with something completely different. What'd you think? Too loud and shout-y? (If you click on the image you can view it full-screen.)

OR... With a image in the header instead of the big, yellow, redundant "Epsilon". (The "E" in "E Institute" is the Greek symbol for Epsilon. Tricky, I know!) And then I could change the picture in the header every few weeks or so.
I better stop talking about this, or else I'll actually do it!

Actually, that "bolder," "for the visually-impaired" look might look better on Delta. Hhhmm...

1 comment:

  1. If you're going to switch, go with the bottom one. The graphic helps a lot, methinks. Keep the blue headers, though, that's not a good color yellow. In my opinion, anyway.
