
Since I don't want to strain my vocal cords any more than absolutely necessary, let me inform you all of my health and well-being here on this blog... As some may know, starting on Tuesday, I didn't feel too good. Wednesday I was out of commission the entire day. It just zapped all energy and strength from me. Thursday was a little bit better, but not by much. (I skipped school, which was kind of exciting.) Friday, which is when I'm writing this post, I felt better. I finally had some energy to do a few things besides sleeping in bed and slouching in a chair. And I definitely, definitely feel like I'm on the upswing.

The downside? I seem to have laryngitis, or, at the very least, a very, very hoarse throat. I went from sounding like Bob Dylan to sounding like Selma/Patti Simpson, and now I'm down to sounding like a Smoker-for-Life. Understandably, I haven't been talking too much, as is proper treatment for such an ailment.

I took a video tonight, demonstrating what I sound like. (Sadly, it's not as funny as earlier in the day...) Here's hoping my voice is up to working condition by Monday, when I have to talk to people at the drive-thru. If not, things could get very interesting...

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