Same Room, Different Room

You may or may not remember various posts I had, talking about theoretical renovations I wanted to make to my bedroom. In a surprising turn of events, I made the theoretical a reality by painting my bedroom walls and laying down a new floor. This comprised of three stages:
1. Tearing up the old carpet
2. Painting the walls
3. Laying down the new floor

To help illustrate this impossibly complex concept, here are some pictures of the project:

This is the BEFORE. Notice the old, worn-out green carpet. It was no longer that comfortable to walk on. Notice too the blue walls. It's a nice shade of blue and I have no regrets living with those walls, but, it was also time for a change. (The tan wall I left alone; I painted that just this past summer. It was originally a white accent wall.)

Here you can see that I've made good progress on removing the carpet from my room. All sorts of yellow dust (from the padding) went flying everywhere and took forever to clean up.

With the flooring gone, the room is now ready to paint...

And this is the AFTER, the bedroom as it currently exists. No more green carpet. Instead, the whole room has this sort of this earth-y, kind of natural-esque color scheme to it. The blue walls have been painted a darker green.

Here's another view of how it looks. You can see that James is already comfortable with the new floor and enjoys making it messy.

1 comment:

  1. A - The room looks great.

    B - "I have no regrets living with those walls" may be the most awesome sentence ever.
