Obama, Twitter and the Tech Guru Who Never Used Technology

(Read TechCrunch article here)

Tonight there is some mild curiosity on Twitter surrounding @BarackObama, considering the President's recent claim that he has "never used" the microblogging service. Here's my stance:

- The only "sin" committed is not saying on the profile's description that the @BarackObama account is tweets from his staff. Otherwise, yes, it looks like the tweets COULD be from him directly, and then there's some credibility issues at stake.
HOWEVER... who really thought he was sending out some tweets? On the campaign, I could see it, but once you are in the Oval Office, your every minute is planned and controlled, and the very words you say are written out for you... it's a terribly hectic life, and I'd doubt that even if he had time, that he would be allowed by his time to Tweet. (It's far easier to fire a staffer for a mis-tweet, than it is deal with a Presidential scandal.)

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