A Clip from "Lost"

I've got to start this post off with a little preface. I wanted to do a post about Lost for a while. And I wanted a video clip to accompany it, preferably from YouTube. But I had such a hard time finding actual clips from Lost on YouTube. It's 99% fan music videos. (Admittingly, the Bad Day video was kind of funny.) So that also has an impact on what I can write about. I can't write about the character Hugo "Hurley" Reyes if I can't find any good clips to show of him!

So after seeing that there were some clips avaliable of the character called Mr. Eko, I figured I would do a post about how Adewale Akinnyoye-Agbaje has been the real breakout star of the series. But that draft got old and boring quickly.

So I'm going to salvage what I can from my re-writes and show a Emmy-worthy clip from last week's episode. The character in the sling, Michael, just shot two innocent people and released a prisoner, all in a covert mission to get his son back from the mysterious "Others". The other character is the self-assumed priest Mr. Eko, who struggles to atone for his sins. (After killing some men on the island, he took a 40-day vow of silence, as penance.) Mr. Eko is "the religious character" on the program, and up until recently, was working on building a church for the Losties.

In this scene, Michael, worried about his recent actions, ask Eko about his religious past. This isn't the best scene for Adewale, but I sure hope that they give him an Emmy nod; the guy sure deserves it for how he plays this role.

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