A Wedding Salute

On May 27th, I lost a sister. But I also gained a brother. It's okay, though. I liked Steve more anyways.

When Steve and Janna announced that they would be getting married on May 27, I was slightly confused. Why would they pick that date? It’s the start of a holiday weekend, after all! So why pick this date, of all the 365 days in the year to pick? I figured that May 27 must have some kind of historical significance that Steve and Janna wanted to share. So I went online to find out what happened on May 27 in past years.

In 1328, Philip the Sixth was crowned the King of France. I mean, I can see the parallels between a coronation and a wedding, but I don’t think that that’s quite what they were looking for.

Next, in 1813, American forces captured Fort George from the Canadians. To commemorate a victory over the Canadians with a wedding would just be tacky, so no, that’s can’t be the reason why they chose May 27.

Then, in 1907, a bubonic plague outbreak began in San Francisco. On May 27. *pause* Yup. That's a cause for celebration!

Next, on this date in the 1930’s, both the Chrysler Building and the Golden Gate Bridge opened to the public. I can just see Janna now, looking Stevie in the eyes, saying “Honey, why don’t we commemorate achievements in steel construction by getting married on this date?”

Finally, on May 27, theologian John Calvin died in 1509, and politician Henry Kissinger was born in 1923.

The bubonic plaque, Philip VI, and the war of 1812. So why have a wedding on May 27? Maybe it’s so there’s something happier to remember this date by.

Congratulations to my big sister, and to my new brother-in-law, as they embark on their lives as newlyweds!

(In case you missed it, both Steve and Janna left goodbye notes to their online audiences before getting married.)

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