I'm Majoring in Everything

So I'm doing some looking around the Grand Valley State University website, considering whether or not to change my major from jouranlism to english, when I noticed something very curious. For the degree in journalism, GVSU has 18 required courses for the program. But to major in broadcasting, well, they only have 12 required courses. Now, I'm not planning on going into broadcasting whatsoever, but I find it funny that it seems to be easier to get a degree in broadcasting instead of journalism majors, the latter of whom mostly wind up going into broadcasting.

I'm majoring in journalism because the skills you learn in that line of study could be beneficial to just about any job, and therefore, it could be a very flexible degree. Which, in today's job market, would be a great asset. But would I want to spend the time and money(!) to add "B.A. in Broadcasting" to my resume as well? I could minor in English instead. And if I took like two more classes, I could then be a "teachable minor," adding further flexibility to my prospective career list.

If I do anything extra besides getting a journalism degree (which I'll probably stick with, BTW. For now.), it'll probably be a minor in English. And if it worked out, I'll go for the extra two classes so I'm certified. (Not that I want to teach, and I'm sure no kid wants me to teach! It'd just be for the resume.) I could also just minor in English and a minor in Management, plus a minor in Writing, and then with years of college behind me, but no bachelors degree to speak of, I can just demand someone to hire me. That'll work, right?

Of course, this would all mean that I'll be in college for bloody forever. But with the national average now between 5-6 years, I wouldn't feel too bad. My bank account would, but I wouldn't!

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