Viewer Feedback Time

While we work on the Internet Improv (Delays in revamping TDIN, work, and painting my room have led to a delay in publishing), we'd like to hear from you, concerning this site. If you haven't noticed, the Delta Institute Newsblog has a new look. It's cleaner, sharper, and the site is wider too. While I felt that it's the right look and feel for TDIN, I don't know if it's the right thing for Epsilon or not. But I do feel that the site needs a slight change in decor. So I'm leaving the decision up to you guys, in the form of a poll.

You can choose more than one option, and you can vote once per day. Meaning? You can stuff the ballot box! Just don't take the option with the puppies too seriously, okay?

What should we do to make the Epsilon Institute look more attractive?
To select multiple entries hold the Ctrl key (or the Apple key)
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