Spider-Man 3 Teaser Goes Live

2007 still seems like an awfully long time away. So when you hear of movie studios releasing trailers and previews for movies for next summer, you probably roll yours eyes a little. Most movies wouldn't even benefit from the prolonged exposure. But not this film. You just have to release a new studio still from this film to energize the fanbase. I'm talking about Spider-Man 3, the highly-anticipated sequel to Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2.

In the first film, Peter Parker struggled to become a superhero and win the girl. In the second film, he struggled to regain his confidence and win the girl, again. In this new film, Peter Parker evidentially must struggle to fight off the darkness inside of him. And now has black hair, which makes him look kind of Clay Aiken, circa 2006-ish. Below is a YouTube video of the teaser. But if it doesn't work for you/has been removed for legal reasons, I've included the link to the QuickTime site for the trailer. (That's better quality anyways.)

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