My life... and stuff

August 26 - Worked from 7 until 2. Came home. Debated whether or not to take a nap. I think I did. But it wasn't long enough. Ate dinner. Went to Meijer and the RiverTown mall. Came home. Slept.
August 27
- Went to church in the morning. Went to somebody's house for lunch. They live way out in the middle of nowhere, it was a really pretty setting. Came home, talked to a friend. Ate dinner. Slept.
August 28 - Worked in the day. Ate dinner. Did nothing. Watched The Closer. Enjoyed it tremendously. Slept.
August 29 - Didn't work. Slept in a lot. Blogged. Did even more of nothing. Ate lunch, later ate dinner. Watched Celebrity Duets, wasn't impressed. Went to bed.
August 30 - Slept in. Woke up. Ate lunch. Mowed our lawn and our grandparents lawn. Ate dinner. Surfed the Internet. Watched Bones and Justice. I liked Bones. Although Victor Garber was a bunch of fun to watch on Justice. Slept.
August 31 - Slept in. Ate lunch. Blogged. ALOT. Went to work. Came home. Slept.

This post is dedicated to Erika.


  1. A friend... heh heh heh.

    I think perhaps you need to stop spending so much time around the cat. She's been a bad influence on you.

  2. lol mark, that made me laugh.

    any way, I'm deeeeeeeeply touched that you dedicated a post to me chuck. it totally made my day;-) and i'm sure that you have more friends than ur cat...rite?

  3. oh, and I'm SO bummed I missed Bones...I LOVE that show!! turns out they don't let u leave work to watch a TV show...the auDAcity!!
