"Lost" DVD menus are scary

There are few modern television shows around that are as deep, dramatic and interactive as Lost. Beyond the obvious mysteries of the island and the characters, the subtle religious, philosophical and mythological overtones hint as to what the writers and producers have planned for the overall series, which results in a perpetual guessing game of what did THAT mean?, a game that can leave your head spinning in every direction. Not to mention the two leadership figures on the island - Jack Shepard and John Locke - have polar opposite worldviews. One is a professed man of science, while the other is a "man of faith". There is so much tension, drama and mystery behind everything that no episode can be viewed in the exact same mindset twice.

That all said, there is one mystery about Lost that remains at the top of the pack. A mystery that every true fan boy and fan girl should be wondering about, questioning what on earth the team was thinking. On the DVD menus for the complete seasons, why on earth do we get the Scary Strings of Imminent Doom playing whenever we move from the welcome screen to the episodes menu? It'd make sense if we were moving from a peaceful scene to a really scary one. But most often, we don't. We move to another nice and peaceful screen, but with this scary music playing as we transition between menus! Why on earth must we feel tense when selecting an episode?

I have a video clip down below here of one of the menu transitions, so you can decide for yourself if the Scary Strings of Imminent Doom are really that necessary.

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