Pictures of the Celebration 2006 Fireworks

There are three events each year that are guaranteed to be penciled in my book as photo shoots: Festival of the Arts, the 4th of July and Celebration on the Grand. The weekend-long Celebration has a fireworks show on Friday night and it's usually ranks in the top ten list of the best fireworks shows in the area. On Friday night, I had to work and was uncertain if I would be able to make it to Grand Rapids in time to set up my tripod and take pictures of the 9:30 fireworks. After punching out of the timeclock, I was informed that it had been raining for a while with some lightning here and there. So I went home to check out local news sites, where I discovered the fireworks were postponed a night due to a severe t-storm warning.

As it turns out, it was storming something fierce in downtown GR, and all the hundreds to thousands of people who were waiting on the city's bridges for the fireworks suddenly found themselves very, very wet. So I did not go downtown, for obvious reasons. But here's the neat part about it all: Had I gotten the night off from work like I wanted to, I would have been downtown with my new, expensive camera with probably no rain protection at all for the system. Meaning my camera could have been damaged, all if I had gotten off from work.

But you don't really care about all that, because you want to see the pictures! To make it easy for you, I link to two very easy viewing options:
1. Thumbnails - Click the link to the left here to view thumbnails of each picture. Click on the thumbnail and it loads a individual page for each photo.
2. Slide Show - This is what I like the best. I just pause the slideshow immediately, then you can take your time looking at one picture over another. And it's very easy to navigate between photos, too.

Enjoy! It was a pretty good year for fireworks photos, all in all. I had a lot that I deemed worthy enough to show online, so I'm pretty happy about that.

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