Random Community Quotes

Have you ever paid attention to the random quote generator over there at the top of the sidebar here at Epsilon? If not, you probably should. We currently have around 50 different quotes from a wide variety of authors, politicals and comedians, all posted in the spirit of good-natured humor. But did you know that you can add quotes to that generator as well?

As the graphic so helpfully points out, what you need to do first is click on the bold text that currently says "From a contributor". From there you'll be taken to a screen that shows all the quotes currently in the system. There will also be a link that says Add Your Own Entry. (Sadly, it won't have the helpful red arrows that we've used in our illustration.) Just add your quote or saying, and it'll be added shortly!

(I do have the list set up to moderate, meaning I just screen all quotes before allowing them into the system. Just in case this site gets hit by some losers with nothing better to do than leave dirty messages on my site.)

It's a very simple 3-step process. Click on the bold letters, click on "Add Your Own Entry," then add your quote! (We prefer humor, though "heavy" thoughts are not discouraged at all.)

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