Congratulations to the Birns!

It's a pelican. Not an ostrich. Why? Because I could.Congratulations to Steve and Janna, who just recently have told the wide world that Janna is with child, who is currently due sometime next year. I have known Steve for a while now, and Janna for sometime more. (Quite a lot more time, actually. Like, my whole life.)

I have no doubt that this child will be incredibly corrupted and will grow up knowing how to speak uber-proper, P.G. Woodhouse-ian English, in addition to Latin, by the time the child is seven. After which time, he or she will embark on a political career. (By this point, father Birn will no doubt be a State Representative, Senator or some such appointment that we just won't bring up at family gatherings.) By the time the child is a teenager, he or she will know how to cook the best gourmet dinners in town, all the meanwhile bemoaning the "outrageous!" ingredients sold at local stores in this area.

Congratulations once again to Steve and Janna on this wonderful news.

Oh, as far as names go... If the child is a boy, he will probably be named as Richard DeVos Birn. If the child is a girl, it'll probably be Laura Condoleeza Birn. At least, that's my best guess. :)

1 comment:

  1. 10 blogs took awhile to get this info:-)
