Catching up on Mary Worth

It has been a while since we've last spoken about Mary Worth, hasn't it? When we last visited the Charterstone Comdominium Complex, Aldo Kelrast (Kelrast being an anagram for STALKER! No, seriously. It is.) was putting the moves on Mary, who was less than amused to find that she had herself a bona fide stalker. Mary's neighbors, tired of not being in the comic that often, decided to hold an intervention to tell Aldo he has a stalking problem. No, I'm serious. They held an intervention to tell Aldo that he was stalking Mary Worth. Upset that they saw through his nefarious plan, Aldo Kelrast ran away from the condo complex, drank his sorrows away, crashed and died.

Meanwhile, Mary Worth feels guilty about holding an intervention to tell a man that he's crazy - because that itself is crazy - and feels remorse for being too hard on the man who killed his own wife and was stalking her. So now we find out that the only people to show up at Aldo Stalker's funeral are members of Charterstone Condominiums, and it looks like one(?) family member. And none of the condo members know how to behave at a funeral. They're all whispering to each other he was crazy! and weirdo, glad he isn't bothering us anymore. Save it for the car ride home, guys.

Unless Aldo left behind some dark mystery involving a bunch of random numbers (like, 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42), I think we're seeing the final act of this plotline. I wonder what will happen to Mary Worth next? Maybe she'll sign up for a MySpace account, only to find out that a discouraged neighbor is pouring out his/her heart and soul, but they don't have any MySpace friends! Whatever it is, we'll keep you updated on the latest developments.