Upgrading and Updating

Well, I've upgraded my web browsers to the new versions. I'm in Firefox 2.0, and I just download Internet Explorer 7. And the biggest difference I see in both? Uh... there are shiny new graphics! Really, that's what it boils down to for me. (Not that I pay attention to that or anything...) I'll say this about IE, though: I don't think it takes as long to load as the previous version did.

On a different note, my poor Bonneville is inoperable right now, due to the drive belt coming off. If any of you know how to fix a drive belt, give me a call! Otherwise, well, I won't be calling you. And won't THAT be showing you!


  1. Firefox's new default theme isn't even that great, in my opinion. That's the one thing that IE wins out on. Though it's terribly easy to get new themes for Firefox, and it has a built-in spellcheck now.

  2. Yeah... I turned off that spellchecker... The red lines annoyed me. Especially since there's no "learn" option for words like "Jurries" that it'll consistantly underline.

    Besides, as far as Blogging goes, the new spellcheck in Beta is AWESOME. I'm seriously still in love with it.
