It's (pretty much) over

There's one day a year when every American gets a very high-profile, visible say in the government. I'm not just talking about the "usual": e-mails, phone calls, campaigning, and so forth. There is one day a year when the smallest voice makes a difference. One day a year when brilliant politicians can finally stop slinging inhumane amounts of lies and filth at one another. One day a year when the media gets to put on one of the biggest circuses of them all. And we get one day a year when our government changes. Whether it's at a national level, at the state level, or, more importantly, at the local level, the American system of government is constantly being reshaped, remolded and retooled. And it's all because of this one day. Election day.

And now, that day is over. We begin a new day, with a new set of worries. But we don't have to worry about how to vote for proposals, commissioners, governors, representatives or senators. We've had our say. Now, it's time for the rest of the system to do it's thing, while we do ours. There will always be new elections, but for every election day there will be 364 other days to work, laugh, live, learn and have fun.

Election Day is once a year. But there's still all those other days on the calender to contend with. I'm looking forward to returning to those other days, but this time I know that there will be no political campaign commercials out there. Road signs will be taken down. Robo-calls will stop.

Now we're free to deal with the stressers of... the holidays. *sigh* At least Election Day is behind us. That's something to be thankful for!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it's nice to have a reprieve from the bi-annual most important election ever. It's going to be especially nice to be rid of all the signs.
