Downtown at the Ford Museum

Wednesday night, I went to downtown Grand Rapids around 9 pm to take a few pictures. Sadly, my batteries decided to accelerate their lifespan, leaving me with only about 30 pictures to take for the entire evening. But I'll tell you what: there wasn't much to take pictures of at the Gerald Ford Presidential Museum. At least, not yet. If you've been reading The Delta Institute Newsblog, you may have seen a photo that I took of a candlelit memorial outside the museum. What you may not have picked up on is that what you saw was *pretty much* all there was to be seen. There were a few more flowers and a University of Michigan flag outside of the camera's range, but apart from that, there wasn't much to be seen at that point at all.

As you would expect, there were news trucks from all of the Grand Rapids TV stations parked outside the museum. In addition, all the local news stations from Detroit seemed to be represented, as well as TMJ4 from Milwaukee. I won't expect anyone like Dan Harris, Chris Matthews or Carl Cameron for a while yet.

The Ford Museum is currently closed, although you can walk into the lobby 24/7 to sign a condolence book. I haven't done that yet in person, although I did sign the online version.

This certainly isn't a huge news event, but he was still President of the U.S., and it still warrants significant coverage. And since I live just a few miles away, I minus well go down a few times and take pictures of what I can.

Watch both Institutes for more updates, coverage and photos...

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