Like every other post you've read

Let's say, for purpose of conversation, that you were reading a book. What kind of book does not matter. Nor does it matter if you read books or not, for in this silly little illustration you are, and yet, this has no bearing on how you spend your downtime. "You were reading a book" is a cue to help guide you along to imagine the motions and feelings that the author is guiding you towards. Please, do not take that to mean any judgement on any lifestyle or personal habits that you may or may not possess.

You are reading a book, having previously decided that doing so in a figurative sense does not equal actually reading a book. Upon reading the book, you feel that it is exactly like every other book you have read. "Exactly like every other book" you have ever read. If it is exactly half, does that mean that this book is exactly like half the books that you have read?

Sometimes, I amaze myself by what pops into my head.

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