Stupid Golden Globe Nominations. Stupid, stupid.

Today, the Golden Globe nominations were announced. And while there were some good nods, there were a few people who got the shaft. Jean Smart didn't deserve a Globe as Martha Logan? Gregory Itzen didn't deserve a nod for playing a creepy destructive criminal president? And Vanessa Williams (pictured) didn't deserve a nomination for her role on Ugly Betty? And as much as I love Evageline Lilly, she didn't have a strong role on Lost in the past season. She was just kind of... there. In the background, looking pretty and flirting with guys. (Although, if her agent sent in a tape from the mini-series, then I could kind of see the nomination... But, not really.)

Here are some nominations that - from the shows that I have seen and CAN make a judgement about - I do agree with very much:
- 24, Lost and Heroes were all nominated for Best Drama Series, all shows that are fun, philosophical and/or great television. In addition, Big Love and Grey's Anatomy were also nominated, shows that I cannot personally vouch for or against.
- Kyra Sedgwick (pictured) being nominated for Best Actress in a Drama. She is awesome on The Closer. Her kinda-fake southern drawl, her "Dawlings" and her "Thank Yuu", it helps to make a good show great.
- Huhh Laurie and Keifer Sutherland were nominated for Best Actor in a Drama series. Between the two, Hugh Laurie wins by a mile. Yet, Keifer should get more recognition for playing a borderline sociopath who tortures people until they provide the next lead. And he does this on an hourly basis, too!
- Ugly Betty and The Office nominated for Best Comedy series. I've not seen The Office, yet, but I've heard it's absolutely FANTASTIC. And Ugly Betty IS fantastic. The snots at the fashion magazine, the everyday life back at home in a Hispanic community in Queens, and that hilarious telenovela, all make for a fun show.
- On a Betty note, America Ferrera was nominated for Best Actress in a Comedy series as her role as Betty Suarez on the show. Anybody who can make good comedy while wearing Peter Gallagher eyebrows should be awarded!
- Masi Oka (pictured) was nominated for his role as Hiro in Heroes. And if he does not win the award, well, Masi should STILL feel very happy: Heroes is the-most watched new show of this TV season, and his character is the most well-received character of all the new shows, with Betty Suarez not too far behind. (*gasp!* Normal people can be popular on TV!)
- Best Actor in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy: Johnny Depp (Pirates of the Caribbean 2) and Will Ferrell (Stranger than Fiction) were nominated this year. Both characters heard their names being called out on TV earlier in the morning. One thought it was an author penning his life, the other figured it was the rum.

I'll still watch the award show, BTW, whenever it airs. (I'm that shallow.) I'm just miffed that Jean Smart, Gregory Itzen and Vanessa Williams all got the shaft.

1 comment:

  1. Even if Hiro doesn't win now, that T-Rex battle that's coming up will guarantee him a spot next year.
