Major news sites report Saddam's death

Yes, this is infringing on Delta's territory. But I made that site a no-humor-zone when I created this blog, so, this will go here. And why am I justifying all of this, anyways? Am I that insecure that I need to explain what I'm posting, and where? Whatever. Anyways, I took some screen grabs of some of the different news sites out there, shortly after we got confirmation that Saddam Hussein had been executed for war crimes against humanity. Here are the results:

ABC News is the most simple and restrained, not making a huge deal out of the fact that a mentally-unstable tyrannical dictator was hung for crimes against humanity.

The next is CNN, which has by far the most dignified graphic for a brutal dictator EVER. Also, what a compelling sub-headline: "Witness: It's over, Hussein's dead." That doesn't even invite me to read the summary of the article. After all, "It's over," so, what's the point? Let's just leave the site already, it's over.

NBC News/MSNBC managed to get a picture of Saddam Hussein looking slightly surprised. Surprise! You're DEAD!

Yahoo! managed to convey a more appropriate anger for a man of such dissalussioned calibar: anger. He's so angry that he was executed, he's moving his hand sooo fast that it appears blurry in the picture. All in all, it's not too tacky, and not too respectful (That's right, CNN. I'm talking to you!)

Using the power of Photoshop, the new CBS News can tell a story in a single graphic. Let's see, we have the Iraqi flag, a noose and Saddam Hussein. Um, um... Saddam's going to kill an Iraqi? No, he's already done that. Let's see here. Um... Oh, I know! He was executed! Alright, I'll give myself a pat on the back now.

This is seriously the. best. graphic. ever. HANGED! the red headline screams, as old skulls and bones beckon Saddam to join them in the grave. HANGED! the headline screams, as the former dictator gives that same surprised look as he gave to HANGED! the former dictator was.

That's all I have for now. Talk to you later!

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