Jack Bauer-Bristow


Since when did 24 become Alias? We have an insane over-arching plot (an evil bad guy is just driving around with 4 nuclear bombs, and he didn't have a backup plan for arming them?), a very complicated working environment (Morris and Milo minus well be Sydney and Lauren Reed... It's pretty much the same bitter dynamic, although, the dialogue IS wittier in the CTU.), and now we've come to find out that Jack Bauer's family is made up of bad guys.

Jack's brother, Graham, is the mastermind behind President Charles Logan's nefarious plot last season to BE EVIL. Surprise! Jack wasn't the only one in the family to leave huge, super-secret footprints on the social dynamic of the nation. Except, Jack HELPS the country, and Graham is pretty much evil. So Graham isn't exactly Nadia Santos (nowhere near as good looking, either.), but the chances of siblings both being so exceptional? Perhaps Jack and Graham were part of Project Christmas.

And while we don't know much about PapaBauer yet, we do know he's had dealings with a former Soviet weapons dealer. And he disappeared hours ago, just before everything started to go bad in the L.A. area. Shady! Just like Sydney's dad, Jack Bristow. Who, if you didn't watch Alias (and shame on you!), married a woman who turned out to be a KGB spy. Since then, he's sworn his life to the U.S. government, but has had many shady dealings with nefarious characters, acts that would have gotten him the death penalty in real life for treason.

As long as 24 doesn't introduce us to evil Aunts or Uncles, it'll be okay. And as long as MamaBauer isn't a Russian spy. (Although, she can still be played by Lena Olin. That'd be fine.)

This resurgence in character interactions has me wary, especially if 24 is going to start slowly emulating Alias. We may end this season with Graham being turned into a zombie, as a giant red ball hovers over all of L.A., turning all people who drank contaminated water into the undead. Actually, if one of the undead turns out to be Sandra Palmer, that might be okay after all.

EDIT (CONTAINING OTHER TV SHOW SPOILERS): On the most recent episode of Ugly Betty, the lady under the bandages, the one plotting to take over the company, turned out to be Daniel Meade's brother who faked his own death and had a sex change operation, and is now Alexis and is plotting to take over the company. Perhaps evil brothers are the new thing in modern TV shows. Didn't The OC's Ryan have a bad bro'? At any rate, I'm still underwhelmed by 24's "twist", and I still can't fathom why the whole internet is treating this like it's the first twist EVER on scripted television. Oy vay.

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