Posting a song lyric, or, Breaking my own rules

I have never, ever posted the lyrics to an entire song before. If the song's good enough, I just add it to the sidebar for a week and that's that. Otherwise, I feel it's kind of a "cheap" tactic, even lower than posting a bunch of character quiz results. Post your own thoughts, not the thoughts of some songwriter! Well, I'm out to smash all sorts of rules because I'm about to post lyrics to a song. I have loved this song for years, and will listen to it at least once a month, perhaps more if I'm in a bit of a grumpy funk. And since blogs are, in part, about sharing one's self with everyone else, I'll share this "comfort song" with you. Although, pretty much anything by Enya can be soothing, in an ambiance-new-age-kind-of-a-way. (Yes, I like Enya. Deal with it.)

Now that I've once again justified me posting something on my own website, here are the lyrics in question:

"Pilgrim", by Enya
(From the album A Day Without Rain)

Pilgrim, how you journey
On the road you chose
To find out where the winds die
And where the stories go.
All days come from one day
That must you must know,
You cannot change what's over
But only where you go.

One way leads to diamonds,
One way leads to gold,
Another leads you only
To everything you're told.
In your heart you wonder
Which of these is true;
The road that leads to nowhere,
the road that leads to you.

Will you find the answer
in all you say and do?
Will you find the answer
In you?

Each heart is a pilgrim,
Each one wants to know
The reason why the winds die
And where the stories go.
Pilgrim, in your journey
You may travel far,
For pilgrim it's a long way
To find out who you are...

Pilgrim, it's a long way
To find out who you are...

Pilgrim, it's a long way
To find out who you are...

BTW - Did you see who's going on a bit of a non-religious pilgrimage of their own? That's right, Mary Worth! She's going to Vietnam! Mary Worth is going to 'Nam. This could be the best story arc ever, and could certainly atone for the Mr. Dent/Ella Byrd plot-line that seemed to just fizzle away. Unless Mary goes to Ella for more advice on where to stay in 'Nam and all that, when Mr. Dent comes in with a gun and kills Ella, with Mary barely escaping with a chest wound. And who else would rush back to the states to treat her than her doctor friend? That's the way it should work. It'll probably just be four months of Mary talking about going to Vietnam, then deciding that Charterstone needs her to meddle in everyone's affairs.
Man, I love this comic strip!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe Ella Byrd's secret power is tricking Mary into going to Vietnam. I want my money back.
