Another Unexplained "Lost" Mystery

DHARMA, Alvar Hanso, the shape-shifting smoke monster... There are plenty of mysteries on Lost that people become obsessed over. Sun's pregnant, but who's the daddy? Will Kate chose Jack or Saywer? Will Juliet and Jack hook up? Will Charlie die? Can everyone see their own flashbacks? But there's only one mystery that I really care about... Claire's hair. This first photo, shown below, is how Claire has looked like ever since Flight 815 crashed on the island. She even looked like this while she was giving childbirth. (Another island miracle?)

But then, in a recent episode, Claire was drowning in the ocean. After she recovered from the shock, she went up to thank her rescuer, looking like this:

Did she visit an underwater salon? Perhaps the mysterious Nikki will turn out to be a hair stylist. Or, worse yet, the loathsome Paulo may be a stylist himself. Whatever the reason, it's still a little jarring to suddenly see Emile de Ravin with a brand new hair style, on a remote island, for no apparent reason.

That said, if I see ABC heavily promoting a upcoming episode that promises to answer "big questions", I can expect an answer to this. Because if the origin of Jack's tattoos can be considered a "big mystery," so can Claire's hair.

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