Frazzle Dazzle!

RIP, Nikki and Paulo. Because your deaths must have been difficult to go through. But, considering you turned out to be very angsty, tricksy cons and thieves, I don't feel too bad. The pride of greed can kill on an island like this! The Lost producers promised that these characters would be iconic. I disagree. The only thing iconic after this episode was the brief glimpse we had of Exposé, the cheesy strippers-as-detectives TV show that Nikki guest-starred in. I now wish more characters on Lost exclaimed Frazzle Dazzle! before beginning an action scene.

Oh, and if Billy Dee's fictional character is any indication, we'll be finding out who the leader of the Others, Jacob, is in the fourth season. And it will probably be someone we know, but would least suspect. I'd speculate about who it is, but considering they can still introduce characters before that big reveal next season, it may be pointless. Nonetheless, my money's on Bernard the Dentist. He's old enough, we don't know anything about his life when he was younger, and he's someone that we can currently trust. And since we hardly see him, "they" wouldn't have to worry about continuity or anything. And that could be why Goodwin risked revealing himself as an Other to rush out of the jungle to get survivors to save Bernard, because he's his boss.

Ay, but that makes about 5% sense. So it'll be someone like Jack's Dad.

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