AI Recap: Top 10 and the Ponyhawk

Everyone on the show this week will be on the summer tour. Who will sell out stadiums? Who will the teenage girls flock to see? Let's take a look at how they did this week with the "Songs That Inspired Gwen Stefani" theme:

- Really great vocals. Not a energetic song, but on an album, it'd probably be a standout ballad.
Chris S - Boring. I feel bad for the guy. It just wasn't good. He's a fun-enough performer and can be good. It just wasn't his week.
Gina - Kind of boring, I thought. But the judges disagreed with me. I do like that they're giving her some love, though. It's about time they started being nicer to her. She's definitely not the strongest of the group (right now), but she has potential. She just needs to keep getting people like Lulu and Gwen Stefani who help get that out of her.
Sanjaya - What the....? Is that a native American headpiece? Is it a chicken costume? No, it's his HAIR. It's like a curly mohawk? Is that possible? Forgettable song, at any rate. A "ponyhawk," as Ryan put it. You know how in the 80's, when rap was really coming on to the scene, how artists had these really weird hairdo's, in part because hairspray was really fun and fascinating? Sanjaya looks like he belongs in the 80's.
Haley - Not wearing Kat McPhee's extensions this week. I think. I'd comment on her singing, if I could hear it. She's still counting on her legs to send her through, it would seem. Horrible ending. Almost as bad as Sanjaya's hairdo. "I thought I did well," she told Simon. Oh, Haley...
Phil - Let's see... A pseudo-country-rocker singing a Police song? And it didn't sound terrible? I must be becoming sick again. It wasn't great, it was a "safe" song, but it wasn't terrible. Nothing I'd buy on, though. But it should keep him around another week.
Melinda - You know what? I'm going to stop blaming the contestants.... Gwen Stefani's iTunes playlist is just not my cup of tea. Sorry, Gwen. It's very boring. Melinda is rocking this song out completely and ensuring that she, not Blake, will be the next American Idol. But what a generic ballad! She did good, though. Man, what a boring week! Oh, Simon kind of agreed with me! How nice.
Blake - Okay, so by now it's pretty much accepted that Blake Lewis is the new Sting. And even if he got voted off this week, he'll have an amazing music career. But again, the mantra for tonight is: Good vocals, boring song. Hey, Simon told Blake to not be a jerk! Not that his warnings ever stopped Daughtry or Taylor Hicks. Whatever. Blake's a good singer, it was just boring this week.
Jordin - Laser beams? The song opens up with laser beams? Is this STAR WARS? Stupid No Doubt. Forget Sanjaya's hair... Jordin's hoop earrings and picnic-blanket top are just as distracting! And why do they have a video display of the backup singers behind Jordin instead of just MOVING them 20 feet on to the stage? Whatever. At least Jordin branched out and did something drastically different. She'll be safe for at least this week. It was still forgettable, but at least she is showing diversity, which is more than we can say for many of the contestants.
Chris R - He wasted a good opportunity to impress us. Instead of really hitting the big notes, he played it soft and quiet. Very disappointing. He also looked uncomfortable on stage, too. Man, what a bad show! And not awesomely bad, but just boring bad!

Gwen Stefani - She looked.... So different! Like, that may not even be the same person they showed in the clip package. She looked soo down-to-earth. I was surprised! Actually, she kind of looked like she was on break from a Roman Catholic school. But whatever. She could have totally been all weird and crazy-like, like Gwen's make-up people like to do with her.

Highlight of the night: Melinda and Kiki. Both were true powerhouses tonight. Blake gets a honorable shoutout.
Lowlight of the night: Sanjaya's ponyhawk. Eeek!

Where on earth did we squeeze in 7 extra minutes? I'm so confused. It must have been in the commercials. Sneaky, FOX!

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