Ready for renovation

I'm planning for an exciting summer. Not only will I become Uncle Charlie (shout out to Children's Bible Hour!), but at some point, I'm planning on re-decorating my room. Drastically. My goal is to get rid of the green carpet, which has become very worn out and is not even comfortable to walk on anymore, with some kind of new flooring, probably tiling that has a faux-wood pattern on it. Now, in the end, my wallet will be the ultimate decider of what floor I get, but I'm thinking something a bit darker, maybe like a Cherry or an Oak-type coloring would be nice.

And although I love the blue walls in my room, it's time for a change. And as such, those walls will become a shade of green. (I currently have 3 walls painted blue and 1 wall painted a darker, clay-ish tan. The tan wall will stay tan.) And, ultimately, when Harrison moves out of our room, I'll be re-arranging one or two pieces of furniture. I'm even trying to figure out if there would be room to add a small desk in there somewhere as well. (And by "figure out," I mean, figure out if I should by a student desk or if I should by a PC or TV unit and repurpose one of those desks elsewhere in my bedroom.)

Below is a image of what the room could look like months from now. The paint will probably be a bit lighter, but I am going for a darker tone, but something that's still relaxing. And what's more relaxing than green? That's actually my main goal, is to make everything in the room be nice and calm.


  1. Nice photoshop job, it looks slick. But, ah, do your headphones always glow like that?

  2. .....Yup. That's why I like 'em!
