The Best Part of American Idol Is...

....Spoiling the results show. Well, okay, it's nothing scientific that they've got going on, but the folks at have become pretty reliable over the past couple seasons. If you're unfamiliar with the site, how's it feel to be out of that cave after all these years? the site has a bunch of people nationwide that pretty much speed-dial's everyone on the show and a computer program records the busy-to-not-busy-ratio for every candidate. If a person has the fewest busy signals, that person is probably going home. If someone has the highest busy signals, chances are, that person is safe for another week.
Man, this is fun. Hopefully the girls will be more fun than the guys, who were just plain boring. I'll be keeping an eye on Melinda Doolittle and Gina Glocksen, but hoping to be surprised by someone else.

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