When Will Something Happen on "24"?

Seriously, can something happen now on "24"? Because, so far, the story isn't going anywhere. We've detonated a nuclear bomb, yes, but that seemed to be as far as that plot was willing to go. We've got three nuclear bombs on the loose, but there is no sense of urgency whatsoever. We met Jack Bauer's brother, who died. And his father, who is evil. And is played by an actor who's idea of Philip Bauer is someone who displays no emotion, energy, willpower, thought or inkling of life whatsoever. BORING!

We found out that a Russian General, Gredenko, believes he can help reform the Soviet Union. HA! And he's the Big Bad for the season? A disillusioned loser who can't accept the truth, decades later? Too funny! Gredenko somehow found out that Pa and Brother Bauer assassinated David Palmer, Tony Almedia and Michelle Dessler-Almedia, so he somehow forced them to give up nukes that their all important company that Philip has worked his WHOLE LIFE TO BUILD to Fayed, so he could come up with an elaborate plan to arm the nukes, instead of having the Bauer's company arm them? Is that it? That's very, very complicated.

24 also gave us a very, very funny moment last night. Philip Bauer was about to execute his son, Jack. Now, we know that since Jack is played by Keifer Sutherland, and that it's on February sweeps, he wouldn't die. But Jack kept doing this big, long confessional thing, laying down the guilt on his father. (The father, BTW, is the king at guilt trips. Who knew the Bauers could manipulate emotions like that?) Jack kept waiting and waiting for his father to kill him, and eventually got soo ticked off that he wasn't shooting him that he turned around, only to find out that his father had run away! HA! Seriously, I've waited forever to see something like this on 24. A man was held at gunpoint, turned into a blabbering mess, while the gun-holder just quietly snuck out and did his thing. I love it! Just for that, Philip Bauer has my new found respect.

Next week, Gregory Itzen reprises his role as Charles Logan. Why? Because, Logan somehow knows something about Gredenko's location. Because Charles Logan is the new Sherry Palmer, of course! Jean Smart will also return to play Martha Logan, who has had a big change in her life since the season 5 finale... But, that's besides the point. Why does LOGAN know Gredenko's location? Are they buddies? It would figure that Charles would keep close contact with a man who believes he can still restore the Soviet Union.

Meanwhile, CTU is still mad that Morris isn't back to 100%. Which, considering Milo was able to heal after a gunshot wound after about 40 minutes, I guess I can *kind of* see where they're coming from. But still, lay off the man! And get another techie in there. Man, between Morris and then having released Fayed from custody before, Buchannan just isn't have a good day at all.

Oh, and Wayne Palmer might die next week. I hope so. It's not that I don't have respect for fictional American Presidents. I just don't have respect for Wayne Palmer as President. (BTW, I've known what's going to happen with that plotline for a few weeks now, and I'm very excited/nervous/frustrated about what will happen as a result of this upcoming episode. And that's all I'll tease about that!)


  1. The Russian general thing is cool. The ol' disillusioned/crazy villain is pretty sweet, especially if they're Russian.

    How much you wanna bet the assassin they're bringing in turns out to be Behrooz?

  2. John has no comment yet on this post. (He'll read it when he has the time and I'll get back to you with his thoughts.)
